DiscoverDesign process model
The DiscoverDesign process is a six part design model which allows engineers to follow a specified route throughout their designing. The six parts are listed and described below:
1.Define the Problem
The beginning always starts with defining the problem as without knowing the problem you cannot work for improvement.
2. Collect Information
This step involves collecting data which may be in the form of sketches, photographs and information from recourses such as manuals. The information gathered can help you to further understand the problem and can help in further steps.
3. Brainstorm and Analyse Ideas
By sketching your own ideas following the information that you have already collected you are able to create ideas to create a solution for the problem.
4. Develop Solutions
The fourth step involves forming your preliminary ideas into smaller design solutions, this is so that you can make more effective designs.
5. Gather Feedback
By presenting your ideas to people you trust you can gather insight into the designs, it is wise to gather information from not only professionals but also friends who are not in the field as they may give you insight into whether they think the project is visually-appealing if it is relevant.
6. Improve
The sixth step is to reflect on the feedback that you have been given and think whether you can make any improvements on the design from what you have been told. You may also think into whether the feedback should be incorporated into your design. If you feel that the design does not meet the criteria of if the feedback given may help to improve the design then you should go back through the design process at a suitable step.
A more in depth image of the model |
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